US Therapist Database
Complete list of therapists in the United States (2,435,862 as of Mar 12, 2025). Included with each record:
- Therapist’s name, credentials, NPI and license numbers
- Affiliation (e.g. a clinic or a hospital name)
- Practice address, phone and fax numbers
- Mailing address, phone and fax numbers
- Practitioner’s classification and specialization
Types of therapists included in this list: Anaplastologist, Art Therapist, Assistant Behavior Analyst, Behavior Analyst, Behavior Technician, Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Clinical Neuropsychologist, Counselor, Dance Therapist, Developmental Therapist, Kinesiotherapist, Marriage & Family Therapist, Massage Therapist, Mastectomy Fitter, Music Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Orthotic Fitter, Orthotist, Pedorthist, Physical Therapist, Physical Therapy Assistant, Poetry Therapist, Prosthetist, Psychoanalyst, Psychologist, Pulmonary Function Technologist, Recreational Therapist Assistant, Recreation Therapist, Rehabilitation Counselor, Rehabilitation Practitioner, Respiratory Therapist, Certified, Respiratory Therapist, Registered, Social Worker, Specialist/Technologist.
This mailing list is obtained from a federal agency each month hence it’s complete, up-to-date and accurate. Each record can be verified with the national registry at the following address: NPI Registry Search Website
Data facts about this list
The following numbers represent the complete United States Therapist Database (i.e. 51 states).
- Number of unique NPI records: 2,435,862
- Number of records with email addresses: 47,721 (opt-in)
- Number of records with affiliation: 1,306,341
NPI is a unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States. Please note that some therapists will share the same practice address (or fax and phone numbers) due to the fact that many of them work at the same location (e.g. a clinic or a hospital).
Please take a close look at the samples provided (either the images of the product or sample download from the front page of our website) to ensure you are 100% confident this is the data you can use. For example, in some cases the amount of fax numbers is not always 1:1, meaning that some records don’t have them.
How to download
Once the product is added to cart you can check-out by clicking on the Cart in the top-right corner of this page. Upon a successful payment an email will be sent with your download link (the link will also be visible here following the checkout).
This product comes in ZIP format, containing 51 state CSV files, as well as one national CSV for your convenience.
Samples and free data
You can download the same data completely free of charge by pulling it directly from our database using the download tool on our home page (the files are generated in real-time). The only thing you don’t get with the free data is the affiliation information. The number of records is the same but you have to generate the files yourself for each specialty and state.
List of states
This is a complete mailing list of therapists in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
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