All the statistical data on physicians in the United States presented here are based on the September 2018 update of our database.
- Total number of doctors in the United States: 1,180,719
- Number of unique business addresses: 617,895
- Number of unique mailing addresses: 626,640
- Number of unique business phone numbers: 528,689
- Number of unique business fax numbers: 358,557
Note: The term doctor includes professions such as Allergist / Immunologist, Anesthesiologist, Audiologist, Chiropractor, Dermatologist, Emergency Doctor, Family Doctor, Internist Neurological Surgeon, Obstetrician / Gynecologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, Otolaryngologist, Pathologist, Pediatrician, Plastic Surgeons, Podiatrist, Psychiatrist / Neurologist, Radiologist, Surgeons, Urologist, and Optometrist. It does not include Dentists.