The Health Care Provider Taxonomy code set is a collection of unique alphanumeric codes, ten characters in length. The code set is structured into three distinct “Levels” including Provider Grouping, Classification, and Area of Specialization. – source:
The below example shows these “Levels” for Family Practice Physicians. All doctors are placed under a grouping of services called Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians. Next, Family Medicine is listed as a more specific service or occupation related to that provider grouping (under Classification). Finally, a list of more specialized areas is displayed on the last level called Specialization. It shows the areas in which a provider chooses to practice or make services available.

When downloading our lists each database record includes Classification and Specialization as well as the 10 character long unique alphanumeric code. In the case of a general Family Practice physician this code is 207Q00000X. Please note that you can look up the definition of these “levels” directly from the source. The National Uniform Claim Committee, NUCC is the administrating body of the Health Care Provider Taxonomy code set since 2001.
Our service allows you to generate highly targeted lists of medical professionals thanks to these codes. You can drill down to the provider’s most specific level of specialization and instantly download a complete list which includes doctor’s name, affiliation (i.e. clinic, practice, or hospital name), full mailing and business address, phone and fax numbers, and more. For a complete list of fields in our database please read here.